Steve Jobs is well known due to the Apple Computer Company and because he was a co-founder of this company. Steve Jobs was an important character for Apple, but his personal life was also spotted. Even if Steve Jobs was born in United States, he was attracted by Eastern mysticism. Maybe because of this, during his life, Steve Jobs has spelled out some great motivational quotes.
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
This is one of the fantastic motivational quotes given by Steve Jobs. He was not an obedient person, even from his childhood during his elementary school. He had followed his passion for electronic and engineering and due to this, he was considered to be a successful person. Steve Jobs loved what he was doing and because of this he has done a great work. Steve invites those persons that haven’t found their purpose in their work to keep looking for that purpose. Because only loving your daily life, you may have a great life. This quote may be applied very well in the labor field, but also in our daily life. Just try to use this quote and maybe you will see some new directions in your life.
“Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.”
This quote of Steve speaks about those moments in our lives when we may see that not all the things are going in that direction that we want. There are many people that feel that sometimes life hit them with a brick and they are asking why it happens. But Steve encourages us to have faith and look deeply into that situation, because sometimes that brick may be used as a tool to change your life in a better way, even first that brick looks like a kick in your ass. Steve Jobs has not lost his faith. Even if there were moments in his life when things were not as he expected to be, he has not lost faith and he kept his own way. This is our duty. We have to have faith even in those moments of our lives when we are disappointed or unhappy.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
Steve Jobs has lived for 56 years. He was never an obedient person and due to this, he was criticized very often. But reading his quote, we may see that his statement is correct. We have limited time as humans on the Earth and due to this we have to live our own lives. Steve considers that living based on others’ opinions means wasting our lives. And maybe he is right! If you are one of those whogive very high importance to those around you, then maybe it is time to revise your attitude and live according to your principles.
The above quotes are some of the most important motivational quotes belonging to Steve Jobs. We hope that these quotes will help you in those moments when you need more inspiration in your life.

We are sure that you have heard about Steve Jobs. It is almost impossible to miss the name of this great man. He was a great man of business, marketing, computer technology and public speeches.